

Creamy Grape Salad (serves 6)

This little lovely is uber-easy and while it has a distinctive retro-flavor, the substitution of Greek Yogurt for sour cream, the use of no-fat cream cheese and the topping of dark brown sugar and honey-roasted pecans make it today's kinda healty. So, what's the damage you ask...

238 silly little calories per cup. Yum!

- Chez

  • 2 cups green seedless grapes
  • 2 cups red seedless grapes
  • 6 oz no-fat Greek yogurt
  • 8 oz no-fat cream cheese
  • 2 tbs vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 6 tbs dark brown sugar (for topping)
  • 6 tbs honey roasted pecans (for topping)
  1. Mix together yogurt, cheese, sugar and vanilla. Mix well.
  2. Carefuly fold into grapes
  3. Before service, top each serving with brown sugar and nuts.